
CAR 2009 04.06.2009 21:12
Kui augustis just pole targemat teha...

Dear former Czech Adventure Race participants and friends,

the date of Czech Adventure Race 2009 is approaching, we start on August 19.

We want to anounce, that we have just opened registrations. I know you
are all competitive, so I hope you will be first to register :-). We
ask you to register soon so we do not get nervous that there are no
teams and so we can order right number of canoes etc.

The price remains the same as last year: 12 000 CZK (444 Euros at this
moment) per team. We think it is pretty cheap as it includes
accomodation, transport of boxes to TAs, maps, T-Shirts, canoes,
opening ceremony dinner and of course the whole race. I have already
seen course preview and it looks fantastic. We have a new co-organizer
and this year will be big. So do not miss it.

All information you need is on

We have a completely new offer to make. 3 teams from one country can
race fort the price of 2. So instead of 36 000, 3 teams from one
country will only pay 24 000. So spread the word and bring your
friends. E-mail me, if you have any questions about mixed teams,
unfairly small countries etc.

All the best

Jan Smolik
Marketing, PR and e-mail manager

PS.: If you want to reserve a cabin for aditional 1000 CZK per team, e-mail me.

Sven, Twister

04.06.2009 21:12
444 Euros includes maps and T-Shirts, awesome ;)


05.06.2009 14:25
yes, and: "We think it is pretty cheap"

richie rich

05.06.2009 22:01
Olles sellel race'il 2 aastat järjest käinud, siis see ei ole mitte "pretty cheap" vaid "extremely cheap" võrreldes sellega, mis sealt selle raha eest saab. Rääkimata sellest, kui võrrelda sarnase pikkusega võistluste hindu mujal Euroopas.

Tiit, Twister Adventure Team

08.06.2009 13:07
Tiit, siin foorumis pole mõtet rääkida sellest et 444 EUR hea seikluse eest on hea pakkumine:) Kui sa muidugi ei taha et sind vardasse aetakse, nagu juhtus mehega, kes siin tahtis ilusat ratast müüa.


09.06.2009 19:07
Oi ekskjuusmii.

Muidugi ärge minge 111 euri per kärss, nöörimine. :o)

Tiit, Twister

09.06.2009 22:37
Muidugi minge, t-särgi saab ka ju! ;)


12.06.2009 14:30

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