
Euroadventure Cup 04.05.2009 12:06
( Written by Ravc)
Friday, 01 May 2009

In 2009, the title of the inaugural European Champions in adventure racing will be decided in Slovenia. AREuroSeries, a union of 7 European adventure races, has selected AR Slovenia to be their flagship race in this year.

AR Slovenia will take place June 19 – 21 with the race centre traditionally in Velenje. The race seems short in term of kilometers (announced length is “only” 270 km), but the mountainous terrain will make the route both difficult and long. Adventure Race Slovenia started back in 2003, and the organizers are very experienced now and they can put out a very good race. Last year teams from four countries took part and they are hoping it will be much more this year. More information about European Championships can be found on

Adventure racers who wanted to participate have other options, though: they can switch their plans to two other AREuroSeries races that happen at a very similar time (mid-June). As well as the AR European Championships in Slovenia, the Red Fox Adventure Race (June 12 - 14) will take place in Russia. AREuroSeries is a cup of 7 European adventure races: Ferrino Extreme Marathon (Ukraine), Tieto Adventure (Sweden), Adventure Trophy Poland, Adventure Race Slovenia, Red Fox Adventure Race (Russia), Czech Adventure Race and Adventure Racing Poland Championship.

A, oh ja ah matkal

04.05.2009 12:06

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