
Infoks masohhistidele - 3-päevane RAID Lätis 04.08.2008 18:00
Selline info tuli meilile (aga eks teadjamad teavad juba):


The Baltic’s longest adventure race of season 2008 will take place on August 22-24 in Latvia. Teams will make 200+ km course in beautifull area proceeding by foot, bike or boat. Some race sections will be done by swimming and rollerblading, extra special tasks will be set along the course...

Team: 3 members + 1 assistant with car.
Three divisions: men, women and mixed teams.

Rogaine principle in adventure racing

Latvia Adventure Raid will be based on rogaine principle – team collecting biggest number of checkpoints is winner! All CPs are optional – team may choose which of them to attend and order of attending.

We set only time limits for stages. Stage „open” times are over-lapping and there is always a choise – to continue work in this stage or proceed to next one. So teams may use different tactics and exploit own advantages...

Assistant is must!

Race will be assisted – each team neads own assistant with car! He/she will meet team in different exchange zones, prepare equipment, food, clothing etc. All four team participants will be awarded because assistant is going to complete some Special Tasks as well (not physical ones, but sharp mind and minimal effort will be necessary).

Race will start some 100 km from Riga but finish line will be located much closer to capital of Latvia.

All info and application form are available on

Eduard, ESTO Amatöörid

04.08.2008 18:00
Medisoft Adventure Team käis osalemas.
Muljeid saab lugeda:

Kaido Hallik, Medisoft

27.08.2008 18:29

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Foorumi eesmärk on edastada operatiivset infot ning püstitada küsimusi, avada teemakohaseid arutelusid. Soovime, et arvamused oleksid konstruktiivsed ning kommenteerijad esineksid oma nime all. Säilitame viisaka tooni, väldime irooniat ja sarkasmi. SK Xdream jätab endale õiguse mitte vastata anonüümsetele kommentaaridele.