
Öine maraton Salatsi jõel! 14.08.2008 16:57
Lätis pakutakse Xdream'i 3. etapi soojenduseks sobivat seikluslikku öist aerutamismaratoni Salatsi jõel. Start 21.08 kell 21, finish 22.08 varahommikul - kui kiiresti toimetada, siis võib reede hommikul tagasi töölaua taga olla;-)
Paatide laenutamise võimalus. Soovitav kasutada polüetüleenist kerega sõiduriistu, et olla paremini valmis öösel kivide otsa sõitmiseks.

Salacas Mauciens 2008
Rules of the Race
1. Essence of the event
Paddling night marathon in river Salaca, without stops, without tents. Complete river in one shot
2. Time and place
Start: 21 of August at 21:00. Beginning of Salaca river at Burtnieku leak. Near to Vecates bridge.
Registration - 19:30 - 20:30 at start spot or till 20 of August 17:oo -" target="_blank"> (for further questions please contact - + 371
29263907. mĀRIS)
Finish: Near sea. Will be specified more precisely in starting place
Time limit: 20 hours from start
3. Participants
Any person who agree with those rules can register for race and can participate in this race.
• sea kayaks. Attention! Because of safety reasons team in this class is two boats
• Tandem kayak
• Tandem canoe (with single blade canoe paddles)
• other boats which not fit in previous groups
Attention! This is paddling marathon, so portages and short-cuts are not allowed, except at the
Staicele dam. It is prohibited to cross Staicele dam (use left bank)
* Race committee reserves rights to change boat clases. For example if in class 'other boats' will
register 3 or more similar boats, new class can be introduced
4. Scoring
Simple - team which arrives first is winner. Regarding kayaks - time will be calculated as finish
time of last kayak (of your team) + time difference between kayaks if it exceeds 3min
Winners will be calculated in each class (except 'other boats') separately
Starting procedure:
Mass start or by class (depends of amount of participants). Starting line is open for 60 minutes - till
Time limit: 20 hours after start
Award ceremony will be held 5 min after expiration of time limit, or 10 minutes after last team has
finished the distance (if the team finishes within the time limit).
5. Equipment
Participants in race use their own equipment. In case of doubt about in which class boat fits, race
judge will decide
Mandatory equipment
*flash light
*cellular phone with fully charged battery in waterproof packaging
*first aid kit
*buoyancy aid
*repair kit for foldable kayaks
6. Assistance from outside
Any kind of assistance from third parties during the race is prohibited. In case a team has received
help from third parties team can be penalized. Team should inform judge about the fact within 30
minutes after finish. For each case judge will decide about the penalty which will be used - the
addition of penalty time to total time of a distance or disqualification
7. Assistance during the course
In case of necessity participants can be evacuated from Staicele dam (other places - depends from
possibilities). Participants must pay evacuation costs
Participants must give first aid in case some other team needs it and can be disqualified if not
providing it. It is not mandatory to help to save equipment
8. Registration for the race
To register for the race you must fill out the registration form and pay the entrance fee.
Entrance fee is 7 LVL per team member and 5 LVL per supporter
Entrance fee includes organizational expenses as well after finish service (hot drinks, food, bath).
9. Liability
All participants themselves are responsible for their physical and mental condition when applying
for the race. They verify this with a signature before start. Participants have to obey the rules of fair
play during the race and rules of personal safety on water
Rules of the race provide list of minimum of required equipment (section 5). Participants should
and must bring additional equipment which necesarry because of specific of boat or which dictates
their experience
Additional information
Aplication -" target="_blank"> press - 'es piesakos' - SM2003 - SM2004 (there is also photo) - SM2005 (there is also photo) -SM2007
Tel +371 29263907 Maris

Sixten Sild

14.08.2008 16:57

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